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Original von JaneDoe
From what I've gathered, you appear to prefer a planet that has average temperature, is medium sized, and has lots of gravity. You are in luck! I have a great planet for you. It may be a little bit bigger than you prefer, but your new home is Jupiter!
The average temperature of your new home is a frigid -244 F. At first that might not sound average, but there are only 3 planets warmer. Don't count on any relief in the summer time either, because Jupiter doesn't have any seasons. Time may not fly on Jupiter, but your days certainly will. They only last 10 Earth hours. Of course your years will go much slower. By the time you are 7 years old you will probably be ready for a nursing home.
Make sure you are ready for the tremendous gravity on your new world. It's 250% of Earth's gravity. Expect to be under 4 feet tall by the end of your life with all that force dragging you down. It will take some getting used to.
Since Jupiter is so massive, there will be many smaller communities throughout your world. Perhaps you may wish to live on its famous Great Red Spot. If you are looking for a big government, or a chain of dirt cheap Jupiter-Marts, you probably won't find that on your new planet. If you are into that sort of thing, you might want to consider locating to one of Jupiter's many moons and other Satellites. Perhaps the moon Europa will open up a spa, since it may even have drinkable water beneath its surface. Enjoy your new home!
Dea ex machina
Original von Antigone
You scored 58% temperature (higher=warmer), 58% gravity(higher=more gravity), and 56% for the size of your planet.
From what I've gathered, you appear to prefer a planet that is hot, medium sized, and has average gravity. You are in luck! I have a the perfect planet for you. Your new home is Venus!
I'm going to be brutally honest with you. Venus is probably the nastiest planet out there. It's atmosphere will poison you, the heat will bake you, and the atmospheric pressure will crush you. But don't let that get you down. Venus has the ultimate Greenhouse Effect going on, and the temperature goes up to 870 F. That's even hotter than Mercury.
Looking for some good news? Well as I said before, it will always be your birthday on Venus. If you are able to survive all of Venus' fierce conditions, you'll might live to 140 Venus years old. Also you'll find that the gravity is about the same as Earth's. It's a little bit less though, so I'll give you 50-50 odds of dunking that basketball.
Venus is about the same size as Earth, so you can expect some aspects of your new life to be similar to life on Earth. There will probably be a few major governments that control your new world. Globalization will occur, and McVenus burgers will probably be available on every block. You will probably become a strong planet, but be careful of neighbor Mercury, who may become more powerful than you. Hey, it's not going to be a picnic, but enjoy your new home!